Re Admission Policy

There are four (4) circumstances that require a student to reapply for admission to the Seminary:

  1. A student may have experienced financial challenges that required he/she to interrupt enrollment.
  2. A student may have been suspended for failure to meet the Seminary minimum academic standards (grade point of 2.0).
  3. A student may have been suspended for violating Seminary standards of academic integrity (cheating or plagiarism).
  4. A student may have been suspended for violating Seminary standards of personal ethics and/or may have been encouraged to take some time off to sort through personal issues.

In each case a student seeking readmission should complete the following process:

  • Submit a formal letter requesting readmission to the Director of Admissions to be shared with the appropriate administrators (President, Academic Dean, and Dean of Students/Campus Pastor). The letter 27 should include (a) specific reasons for the interruption of study, (b) careful descriptions of how the student has addressed the circumstances that led to the interruption of study, and (c) a statement of resolve to succeed.
  • Submit a specific statement of financial support that will allow the student to continue with her/his program of study.
  • Submit the readmission fee of $10.00 USD to the Director of Finance.
  • Under all circumstances, readmitted students must meet the requirements of the current Handbook. Readmission is only possible for a period of three years following an interruption of a student’s enrollment. After three years the process of admission must start over with all requirements of first admission.