HomeUndergraduate Studies

Undergraduate Studies

The Seminary offers two degrees, Bachelor of Arts in Theology (BA/Th) and Bachelor of Arts in Religious Education (BA/RE).

The curriculum for the degree programs of LBTS has eight major divisions: Biblical Studies, Church History, Pastoral Studies, Theological Studies, Education, Religious Education Studies, Missions and Liberal Arts.

There are three concentrations in the Bachelor of Arts in Theology: Pastoral Studies, Systematic Theology and Missions. The three concentrations in Religious Education Studies are: Early Childhood Education, Elementary Education and Secondary Education.

The Objectives for the eight divisions of the degree programs are:

Biblical Studies

To prepare students to develop his/her understanding of the content, general historical background, and development of the Bible, including to develop critical thinking skills that lead to better understandings of interpretation.

Church History

To prepare students to develop the knowledge and critical thinking skills to express the ways he/she understands, relates to, and identifies with the Christian church in its ever-changing contexts.

Pastoral Studies

To prepare students to develop critical thinking skills that will assist in the ability to apply the insights of biblical studies and historical/theological studies in the contexts of acquiring skills in evangelism, biblical interpretation, public worship, preaching, pastoral care, and Christian living.

Religious Education Studies

To prepare students to acquire and apply critical thinking skills needed to plan and administer a program of Christian education for a local church or denomination with the intent to foster Christian character, and to equip church members for service and/or to acquire and apply critical thinking skills needed to plan and administer a program of education for a local church school or other private or public setting with the intent to foster Christian character, and to equip students for life-long learning.

Theological Studies

To prepare students to develop critical thinking skills needed to express the content of his/her faith in conversation with Scripture, traditions, reason, and experience.


To prepare the student to demonstrate the skills needed to teach Religion on the elementary or secondary level in a manner which reflects an understanding of the scientific and historical developments in education.


To prepare the student called to Cross Cultural Missions to share the Gospel with limited cultural hindrances and to present Christ as the only legitimate alternative for salvation.

Liberal Arts

To provide the student with basic knowledge and skills in supporting disciplines which will under gird and enhance learning experiences at the Seminary and enable students to relate more effectively to others.

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