
The Bachelor of Arts in Theology is a program of study covering the traditional disciplines of biblical studies, historical studies, and theological and ethical studies.

Students in the BA/Th program have an opportunity to become equipped with knowledge, insights, and skills expected from persons called to Christian ministry, whether in a local church, a denomination, or church related institutions.

Although the contexts of the Seminary
are Liberia and West Africa, successful students should be prepared for ministry and/or further study throughout our one world. The ministry component of the degree demands courses that introduce and encourage insights and skills of practical ministry.

The degree offers students a viable hope for success as pastors, denominational servants, parachurch leaders, and, with further study, the pursuit of the vocation of teaching at the college or seminary level.

Objectives of the BA/Th Program include:

  1. To give students access to knowledge and skills in general and discipline-specific fields of study.
  2. To give students an opportunity to develop skills for examining and evaluating their calling to Christian ministry in the contexts of Christian heritage.
  3. To undergird the students’ personal and spiritual characters through the lenses of Scripture and traditions that encourages lifelong growth as a follower of Christ and a leader in the Body of Christ.
  4. To provide nurture to the students’ development of theological awareness, intellectual insights, and pastoral skills consistent with one who has been called to ministry.
  5. To encourage students to earn academic credentials that may open hopes of academic career at the seminary or university.
  6. To encourage the development of interpersonal and social skills that may enhance students’ ability to function honestly and effectively.
  7. To encourage students to cultivate interests and skills that will lead them to become learners for life.

A Graduate of the BA/Th Program should be able to:

  1. Reflect a broad fluency with general education.

  2. Demonstrate evidence of a healthy and growing character consistent with Christian discipleship and leadership.

  3. Demonstrate an ability to articulate the gospel message in personal and corporate settings, in word and deed.

  4. Demonstrate satisfactory knowledge of Biblical studies, theology and ethics, Christian history, and pastoral ministries.

  5. Demonstrate a preparedness to continue formal studies.

  6. Demonstrate an ability to conduct research.

  7. Demonstrate satisfactory skills in preaching, Christian worship leadership, teaching in a church setting, church administration, and pastoral care.

Following a first degree from the Seminary, some students desire further education at the Bachelor level. LBTS graduates with either the BA/Th or BA/RE who are interested in returning for a second degree should consult the Director of Admissions and Records (Registrar) for advice and counsel.

Returning students who hold the BA/Th or the BA/RE may fulfill a second degree by meeting the requirements of a major (in the BA/Th) or a concentration (in the BA/RE).

Duplicate degrees (a second BA/Th or BA/RE) is not allowed.