All students will register on the dates and at the time stated in the Academic Calendar. New students are required to be present for orientation. Students who do not register during the regularly scheduled registration period prior to the first day of classes are required to pay a late fee of US $10.00. Students must register before attending classes.

The final responsibility for taking the proper courses at the proper time in order to meet graduation requirements rests with the student. The academic advisor will counsel and guide the student; each student will be assigned an advisor by the Academic Dean each semester at registration.

Courses may not be added after the first week of a class. Students may add/drop courses in keeping with the official date in the Academic Calendar.

All currently enrolled students expecting to register for the following semester are required to preregister for the courses in which they expect to enroll. Pre-registration is a confirmation of the student’s status. Failure to preregister may result in the loss of the privilege of attending school the next semester.